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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!!!

I can't believe Halloween is here. That means the rest of the year is going to fly by!

Trick or treating was fun......short.....but fun! We went to 3 houses, Jocelynn looked at me and said "mommy, I'm done. Can we go home?" She wanted to go home and eat her I was a little disappointed, but she really didn't need all that candy.
My little pirate....arrrrrrghhhhh

We have also been working on cleaning out one of the spare bedrooms upstairs. We want to put all of Jocelynn's toys up there! I am hoping to finish this project this week.

John has his surgery consult on Monday. I will update again then! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

On to yet another cycle!

CD1 today! Not a big shocker since I have been spotting for 2-3 days. I just always get a little hopeful that this is the month that our dream comes true. It would have been very fitting to get pregnant the month before John;s It just wasn't in the cards for us.

John's surgery consult is coming up fast. 11/2 to be exact. I feel strange being excited and worried at the same time. I hate the fact that John has to have surgery but is also an answer to a lot of the issues he is dealing with. I am by no means thinking this is going to solve everything. In fact it may solve nothing, but we will never know until we go down the path laid before us. We have to try all the options and starting with the easiest and least expensive is a good idea. I know it sounds funny to call surgery easy and inexpensive, but the other treatments are much more involves and more out of pocket cost....not to mention IVF is around $30,000 an pop. Insurance pays for NONE of this.

Let's not step up on that soap box. I could go on and on..........but i won't.

Life has been crazy it seems. Halloween is right around the corner and I hope the rain lets up so we can take Jocelynn trick or treating on Friday night. She is going to be a Pirate and I will post pictures over the weekend. Here is her halloween picture we sent out. She had to have the picture taken with Spanky!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. Please keep these families in your thoughts and prayers and light a candle from 7-8pm!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


John received a call from out PCP today. He has an appointment with a Urologist on Monday 11/2. Our PCP said he pulled some string to get him in that early. Hopefully his surgery will be scheduled shortly after that! Seems John has a thing for going in for surgery around Thanksgiving. Last year he had his sinus surgery 1 week before

Life has been pretty boring. John and I are in the process of cleaning out one of the other bedrooms in the upstairs for Jocelynn. Here current bedroom is right next to our bedroom (they share a wall) and she kicks in her sleep. So John and I are up at least once a night. Also we hear every little sound she makes. The bedroom we are cleaning for her is down the hallway, still close enough for us to hear her when she really needs us, but we are hoping to get more sleep at night. Also we are planning on finally moving her toys out of the living room and into her bedroom, her new room is much larger then her old room. Plus the new room has a closet. Right now she is using an Armour and it just isn't big enough for her cloths.

We will be saving her old room as a nursery, it is already painted yellow and green, very gender neutral. Also it is close to our room which works out well with babies! We will see, I feel like we are putting the cart before the horse but I'm trying to be optimistic with the resent news we have gotten about John.

Friday, October 9, 2009

News from the Dr.

John had a visit to the Endocrinologist that didn't go exactly how we expect. The Dr. ordered more blood work, another semen analysis and an u/s on John's testicles.

John went yesterday for the u/s and the Dr. called us today with the result. Sure enough, John has a moderate Varicocele. I am slightly relieved and worried all at the same time. Of all the treatment options this is the 'easiest' and I say easiest lightly. But this mean John will have to have surgery, which always scares the hell out of me!

On the TTC front this is good news. After doing some reading and research, this could be the answer to John's low sperm and testosterone issues.

We are now waiting for the Endocrinologist and our Primary Care Physician to talk to each other and determine the next step we take. It seems our lives are always a waiting game.

Please keep John in your thoughts and prayers. He seems to be handling this diagnosis ok, but I am worried about him!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A LONG 3 weeks!!!

It has been a busy 3 weeks, Right after my last post we had company arrive and they have been here ever since. I is nice to visit with the in-laws. We went to Rochester and Deerfield fair. Done some apple picking and was able to can apple sauce and butter! YUMMY!

The last few days have been relaxing. Company is leaving tomorrow, and although I will miss them it will be nice to get back to life. Relaxing and falling back into the day to day stuff.

On 10/1 John had an appointment with an Endocrinologist to see what needs to be done to help with his low testosterone. We didn't get the answers we were looking for. He was willing to help, but were we are still TTC another child, he suggested we see an Endocrinologist who specializes in Male fertility issues. We will either be going to Mass General or Lahey Clinic in Mass. Depends I guess on which of the Dr.'s can see us first. Please keep John in your prayers. He seems to be having a hard time dealing with all this.

On the TTC front, we are officially starting out 36th cycle. :(

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