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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Life is entertaining sometimes!

What can I say...having a 4 year old is entertaining. She amazes me everyday with the things she says, her actions and the songs she sings...

Jocelynn loves to sing! She only has to hear a song 3-4 times and she will be singing along with it. Even songs we don't even realize she knows....she started singing "lollipop"
                        Lollipop Lollipop
                       Oh Lolli Lolli Lolli
                        Lollipop  *POP*
                       Call my baby Lollipop
                       Tell you why
                       'Cause he's sweeter than an apple pie
After I stopped laughing...mainly from shock, I asked her were she had heard that song and she said TV! I'm still confused, but she found the song and it stuck in her

It is also funny to "see" her brain working to figure things out. From explaining or asking questions to pronouncing words. Also understanding things that are said to her......
              Jocelynn was headed to bed and was giving Grammie a kiss good night, she doesn't actually 'kiss' but pucker her lips and 'tap' them against your cheek. Well grammie wanted a kiss...Grammie said "I want a smack." Jocelynn looked at her funny and slowly brought her hand up to grammies cheek so she coule 'smack' grammie.....LOL. She knew it was wrong to hit grammie, but hadn't grammie asked.......Wrong kinda smack!

Things have been interesting the last few days. I have had quiet a few ups and downs...seems I have been playing the "poor me" card and I hate it! I though I had a handle on my emotions, especially concerning my inabilaty to conceive, but I guess everyone is entitled to their bad days. I try and focus on the blessing I have and my faith that GOD has a plan for me and that I am not alone. 

This weekend is a busy one....or should I say Sunday is busy. Saturday is pretty open and I am hoping we will be doing something outside, enjoying the beautiful weather we are supposed to have. Sunday is church and 2 birthday parties at the same time. My cousin's 3rd birthday and my grandfathers 75th birthday. So I don't expect to see home much before 6-7 pm that night. *sigh*

Saturday, April 24, 2010

National Infertility Awareness Week

NIAW ~ April 24 - May 1, 2010.

Infertility Facts from Wikipedia:

* Generally, worldwide it is estimated that one in seven couples have problems conceiving, with the incidence similar in most countries independent of the level of the country's development.

* Most couples (about 84 out of every 100) who have regular sexual intercourse (that is, every 2 to 3 days) and who do not use contraception will get pregnant within a year. About 92 out of 100 couples who are trying to get pregnant do so within 2 years.

* Women become less fertile as they get older. For women aged 35, about 94 out of every 100 who have regular unprotected sexual intercourse will get pregnant after 3 years of trying. For women aged 38, however, only 77 out of every 100 will do so. The effect of age upon men’s fertility is less clear.

* In people going forward for IVF in the UK, roughly half of fertility problems with a diagnosed cause are due to problems with the man, and about half due to problems with the woman. However, about one in five cases of infertility have no clear diagnosed cause.

* In Britain, male factor infertility accounts for 25% of infertile couples, while 25% remain unexplained. 50% are female causes with 25% being due to anovulation and 25% tubal problems/other.

* In Sweden, approximately 10% of couples are infertile. In approximately one third of these cases the man is the factor, in one third the woman is the factor and in the remaining third the infertility is a product of factors on both parts.

Unfortunately, more and more couples face infertility and the heartbreak of being unable to conceive a child(ren). There is nothing a man or woman can do to prevent infertility and it may go undiagnosed for years. That is until a couple decided to start a family and even then after multiple test, procedures and exam it could still take months or years for a explanation and then you are labeled "unexplained infertility" if no know reason is found.

John and I are part of this growing group of couples. We are unfortunate enough to experience infertility factor with both of us. I was diagnosed in 2004 with PCOS. And John was diagnosed in 2009 with low testosterone levels, low sperm count and a Varicocele, which he had surgery to help correct in 2/2010.

We have been blessed with a beautiful daughter, who arrived happy and healthy in our arms on 12-12-2005 at 1:58am and after TTC (trying to conceive) for 3 1/2 years.

We are still praying and waiting for another blessing (or two). and have been TTC since 12/2006. The heartache we have gone through is nothing I would wish on the evilest person on Earth. I only hope that infertility awareness gets out there and that everyone who has been blessed with children (whether after struggling with infertility or not) knows what a blessing they have and they thank God everyday!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Where did the last month go.....

WOW, a whole month. What is my problem.....oh yeah, it's called

What have I not blogged about?

Easter ~ Easter was a blast with the girls. I have a million pictures! They actually fought over the eggs, there was 120 eggs and they fought over I guess kids will be kids.

Vacation ~ Was wonderful! We had a great week with family and friends. We spend our time helping my Mother and Father-in-law clean out the house they were selling. Celebrating my nephew Tyler's 1st Birthday and spending time with my niece Gabby! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TYLER! and spending some much needed time with our best friends.

Now we are settling back into our routine. It is amazing how much vacation messes you up. I hope to have some time soon to really update.

On the TTC front, we are onto another cycle......#43

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