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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!!


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Living Life!

What has been going on???? a whole lot on

Vacation is in 3 days....I can't wait. Just to get out of here and get away. We are going to see the in-laws in Maryland for a week. Jocelynn is excited, she always gets excited to see grammie and grandpa with the camper, but this time she is extra excited because we are flying. This is her first time on an airplane that she can remember (Last time I was pregnant with her, so It doesn't really

We are flying out Tuesday afternoon (2/22) and flying back on on the following Tuesday morning (3/1). I am hoping to meet up with a friend I haven't seen in a couple of years and meet-up for the first time with a new friends (we met online) while on vacation. Other then that we are hoping to go the the Baltimore aquarium and just have a great time with family and friends!

Also this weekend I get to try out the Xbox Kinect for the first time. Alaina (one of my awesome friends) and hopefully Rachel (another awesome friend) are coming over. Alaina is bringing her Xbox and we are going to dance our a$$es off! Should be a blast and it is considered exercise and we will be laughing at each other.....doesn't get much better than that. I may just have to take a ton of pictures and maybe a video or two.... I hope I don't wear myself out too much, I have a ton of laundry and packing to do before we leave.

Looks like a busy next couple of days!

I had a fantastic birthday! Alaina and Rachel (same ones as above) surprised me at work....I walked into my office to this ~

awwww I felt so loved!!!!  Also that night John and I were able to go to dinner and shopping just the two of us! We haven't had a date night in a long time and it was very nice to spend the much needed time together! While we were out he bought me another piece for my Pandora Bracelet....the chain for the clasp so I won't loose the bracelet if it should ever fall off:
We had a wonderful family birthday dinner on saturday (2/12) Jeremy gave me an I-tunes gift card (I love music) and Cory, Kristina and Brooke gave me a Pandora Charm - Love, Faith and Hope:
Mom and Dad gave me money which thinking about what I want to spend it on.....right now the top two choices are a keyboard (I miss having one and LOVED playing it) and a Pandora necklace........decisions, decisions....

My family is the best and I love them soooo much!

On to TTC news:
          It was a BFN for the last cycle......goodbye cycle 53...hello cycle 54   *sigh*  One cycle back and I am already very discouraged......

John and I had discussed doing Clomid this month (thank you Kristina for the pills....LOVE YOU!) but since we will be on vacation, and the side effects are not plesent, we decided to wait until the next cycle (That is if we don't end up pregnant naturally....seriously who am I trying to kid......that won't EVER happen!)

So this cycle it is just the Metformin, weightloss (which I have been bad, not going to "jump back on the wagon" until after vacation) and TTC the good ole fashion way.

I want to wish my Sister-in-Law Sarah a very Happy Birthday!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Birthday to me...

32..... I can't believe I am 32....

WOW! time does fly!

The text from my husband this morning

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to my sexy, gorgeous, wonderful, sweetie. Happy birthday to you! Love you forever!"

I love this man more than words can express! He is taking me out for dinner tonight...just him and I! It is much needed alone time, we don't get to have a date night as often as I would like!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Exciting Happenings!

Jocelynn lost her first tooth!!!! She was super excited!

I can't believe how fast my little girl is growing up! We have also had great success the last week with staying dry at night. Also the teacher tells me everyday what a great job Jocelynn is doing in school, sometimes it is hard to hold her attention, but she is Also she is picking up some advanced information....she is into addition, which is fun. She pretty much knows how to add she just looks for reassurance from me.

Tomorrow is my birthday! I always get excited for my birthday. I thought as I got older I wouldn't but I was wrong. John is taking me out to dinner and to do some window shopping. I am sure he has something up his sleeve, but he always likes to surprise me. He is the BEST husband!

Jocelynn keeps telling me she is NOT telling me what she is getting me for my birthday. She believes she isn't going to school, but I have to still go to

Life has been pretty boring. I like it that way!


On the TTC front.....I have about 7-10 days until what should be the end of my cycle.....I really wish a home pregnancy test worked for me so I could start testing. I have to have bloodwork done and I won't call the Dr. until I am 1-2 weeks late. The earliest I will call the Dr. (if AF hasn't showed) is 2/28.  It would be nice if this long, emotional journey would end and we would get the BFP we have been waiting for, for over 4 years!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Crazy end of January!

January was crazy!!! Between the snow, sickness, Dr.'s appointments, school craziness and just plain old life....I need a quite

We have soooooooo much snow it has got to be a dream. Just in the last 36 hours, it has snowed enough to cover my legs up to my knees...... Plus they are predicting 2 more storms in the next week. I guess I am glad we pushed the snowbanks out behind the garage and practically in the woods (ruined our lawn). We will need the space.

Supposedly the groundhog didn't see his shadow this morning, so Spring is right around the corner......what about the melting time for the snow. I am sure we will be hit with at least 1 storm every week for the next 6 weeks and then it will take ALL summer to melt! The joy of living in Maine!


I am officially in my first 2ww since being on a break. I will try not to obsess over it (yeah right) I have enough craziness going to keep my mind off it! I am just ready to be pregnant and put the last 4 years of TTC behind us!


Jocelynn has been doing GREAT in school. She seems to have her head in the game now that Christmas is over. 

We have had some set backs in the wetting the bed area. We are working hard, but she just seems to be slipping. Not sure what to do, I will talk to her Dr. about it when we go back in a couple of months!

Jocey and I had an appointment with a nutritionist on 1/26. It was very informative and over all a good appointment. She was able to give me some pointers and gave me a list of things to do and foods to stay away from. 

What is great is she has seen me the last 4-5 week watching what I eat and exercising and she want to "help" me get healthy (yes those were her exact words).  We have added more fruits and veggies to our diets, more water and less juice and less processed foods. Not bad to start!


I am beyond excited for my girlfriend Angie! Congratulations on your new addition and welcome home Annalia Mae (1/28/11). I can't wait to meet her in a few weeks!


Let me say that I am ecstatic that Kristina and my Nephew are ok......he sure does like to scare us already!

P.S.  I can't wait until the middle to end of the month! My Birthday and Vacation Time!

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