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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Week 3 and 4

Looks like I am still working on the "blogging at least once a week."
Jocelynn received her report card last week, straight A's (with an A+ in phoenics) I am one very happy Mom!
She also lost a tooth this week (her 3rd) and was super excited about the tooth fairy coming. She was up early this morning....
Jocelynn and her missing tooth!
Today we have an appointment to cut Jocey's hair. She says she "wants it like Mommy's" which is shorter than shoulder length. I think we will go shoulder length, that way we can still put it up if needed. So this means 6-8 inches cut.....I think I am the nervous one. I just keep telling myself it will grow back!
Jocelynn was able to meet her goal for selling Girl Scout cookies. She is very excited to get her "special" patch!
John and I are moving along day to day! Our main focus is jocey and enjoying the time we have with her.
It looks like some things will be changing for me at work soon, in a good way. More information to come later...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Crazy Week...

This week has been crazy. Monday Jocey went back to school but I had Monday off. I watched my girl-friends son while she was at work(he wasn't back to school yet) and I hope he had fun. He played the Xbox kinect  most of the day.

my hours at work have been cut back to 32. It stinks but I am praying for full-time in the next couple of weeks, especially since Friday is my immediate boss' last day and I will probably pick up some of her work load.....*sigh*

Wednesday was mom's birthday! Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!

Jocelynn is feeling much better. Her bathroom issue seems to be fixed and she hasn't had to have her medicine all week. I'm glad it seems I won't have to deal with that anymore.

We are still working on getting the paperwork together for Jocey's surgery. I want to hold off until the end of the month to see if I get full-time at work, (i'll get benefits and health insurance) that would help us schedule immediately.( the surgery isn't something that is life threatening)  Continuing to pray and put it in God's hands.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year!!!!

I'm going to try an post more, especially since I found the application for my phone and can post on the go.

We are all doing very well. Jocelyn will be having surgery to remove her tonsils and adnoids in the next couple of month.  We have also been having an issue with her going to the bathroom. It was a very scary 3 weeks, but the medication the Dr. Gave her seems to be working.

John is still working, it has been slow but seems to be picking up both with his boss and his own side work. I know we have everything we need, and we are learning to trust fully in God's plan for us!

I was hoping to be able to share good news with all of you but it was not meant to be. John and I were pregnant right before Christmas but lost the baby on the 20th. We were 5weeks 2days pregnant. I am sad and upset. The baby would have been due around John's birthday.

Here is praying for a happy healthy new year and for the ability for john and I to be able to share good news soon!

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