Brooke Elizabeth and Jocelynn Noelle!
They are just the 2 sweetest little girls alive! Along with being the 2 biggest trouble makers in the world!!!!
The fill my day with giggles and smiles, aggravation and mischief! The are so close in age, that they sometimes fight like sisters! Brooke will be 3 on 11/22 and Jocelynn will be 3 on 12/12. (would have never guessed the peanut was older...LOL)
Along with Wyatt!
My days are busy! I love nap time! They all lay down for a nap at the same time (around 12 ~ 12:30pm) and I can usually get between 1 ~ 3 hours of me time!!!! YAY!!!!!
I may be taking on a few more children come next year! I know for sure my 8 year old cousin will be coming after school for a few hours...LOL What have I gotten myself into????
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