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Monday, February 22, 2010

Family Weekend

This past weekend was great! It was relaxing and we spent alot of time together as a family. We went out with My mom on Saturday, and then on Sunday we went to Church and then out with John's sister for lunch/dinner. It was nice to spend time with people you love.


I was able to purchase another charm for my Pandora (from my grandfather). I wanted the angel of hope, but they were sold out and they said that is one of the charms they are unable to keep in stock. So instead I purchased the dolphin charm. Amyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE dolphins and this is a very appropriate charm for me to

We are planning a trip down to see my in-laws in the next few weeks. I am excited to see them and our best friends as well!


John's Surgery is this Thursday. I won't lie, I am extremly nervous. I know he will be fine, I just hate the thought of him going through this. I won't know alot until late Thursday or Friday, so I will update when I can.


On the TTC front, we are onto cycle 41......Damn you AF! I see a light at the end of the tunnel, I just feel like I am not reaching it quickly enough......I am not a very patient person and the battle with infertility has stretched what little patience I have to their limit. I can do this! I will be stronger then Infertility!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Jocelynn's Boo-Boo.....

Jocelynn had her first set of Stitched on Wednesday (2/17/2010). 3 Stitched in her left butt cheeke......go ahead snicker....I'm not the least bit surprised that her first set of stitches are in that particular place. She is not the most graceful person and spends alot of time falling on her bottom and knees. It isn't her 'fault', she has a issue with her feet turning in. we are currently seeing an pediatric Orthopedic Specialist. She has a check-up with him on 3/23/2010. She sees him once a year to make sure this issue isn't getting worse. He states that this is something that should be fixed as she grows and her legs become stronger. Worse case scenerio, she will need surgery when she is a teen.

Anywho, she was playing in the livingroom, my dad was watching her (I was at work and John was in Mass. at his pre-surgery appointment). My dad said she fell and started crying pretty good (usually we just tell her to get up, she will be alright), Dad knew by the cry that she had hurt herself pretty good.

He finds the wound and gives me a call at work, told me he thinks she needs stitches. Ok, I call the Dr. office, speak to the nurse and she says to bring her down and the Dr. will see her.

We get to the office, he looks at the wound and says, "yes, that will need stitches." I was alittle nervous, this is her first major 'accident' and it isn't as major as it could be.

Lots of crying (I'll admit, a little by me too), 3 needles pokes, trying to calm a 4 year old down and 3 stitches later we are done. phew..... She was a trooper and really did as well as any 4 year old who doesn't understand what is happening and why she has to get hurt could do. I was very proud of her (and a little of me because I didn't completely break down like I could have). It was by far the WORST experience of my life. It wasn't really bad, but it was MY child who was hurting! It is the worst feeling to know they are in pain or sick and you can't do anything about it!

She hasn't complained at all about her boo-boo since. She sat wrong once and said "owww" but you wouldn't even know other wise. She goes back on 2/26 to have the stitches removed. That should be "fun" as well.

Here is what I found out happened......We have baseboard heat, apparently the cover to the heater fell off (whether before the fall or it was kicked off in the process of her fall, we don't know)She fell right on the metal brackets that support the heater.

It looks really good, no infection, but it is pretty black and blue!

I know this is the first of may bruises and boo-boo's. Some with me worse then others, hopefully I can deal with it

Monday, February 15, 2010

More Time and Birthday

There are never enough hours in the day....LOL

John finally received a call from the Dr. We are keeping his meds at the same dose, this is very good news to me. I guess we will see what the next set of blood-work says....

Things have been interesting around here. I had a wonderful birthday! Spending time with John and Jocelynn on my birthday and then having family dinner the next night was great! I have passed the 30 mark and although it was hard, this year was a breeze! 31 in no big deal! I am still a spring chicken, even though sometimes I don't feel like it!

So I bet you are all dying to know what I got for my birthday?????? Here are a!

The 'Edward' teddy bear from Build-a-Bear from Jekka!
The flowers from John and Jocelynn

John gave me a Pandora bracelet!! I have been wanting one since before Christmas! I have the sterling silver one and my parents, brothers and grandfather all gave me money to purchase or purchased a charm for the bracelet! 

The Bracelet and 2 Clips to help keep the charms in place are from John
My Mom gave me money and I purchased a charm with my birthstone....which I though was fitting since I received the bracelet for my birthday.
 My Dad gave me money and I purchased a charm with Jocelynn's Birthstone.
Cory, Kristina and Brooke gave me an elephant charm for good luck.
Jeremy and Jen gave me a rabbit charm.I love rabbits!
Grandpa gave me money and I think I will be adding the angel of hope charm to my bracelet!
I have wanted a charm bracelet for many years and completely over the moon happy that I have one now!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This made me laugh!

Seems they took a page out of my life journal........I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard..........better to laugh then cry i guess!

Another I am getting old!

So here we are again. My birthday! How did I get here? 31!!! Man, I can't believe how much time has passed! So....I always reflect on the previous year on my birthday! That will have to be another post. John and Jocelynn are taking me out today, and I am having a date with my husband tonight! So until I have more time.....Happy Birthday to me!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Still no news

The Dr. still hasn't called about John's meds. He is continuing the dose he was originally given. Maybe she isn't changing it, but it would be nice if she would call and tell us that!

Jocelynn's funny for the day: John, Jocelynn and I were wrestling on the floor last night. Jocelynn stood up, looked at John and said "Daddy, your going down!!" I was crying I was laughing so hard! I don't know were she gets these says, but it amazes me she can use them correctly!

Thursday when I got home from work, She greeted me with "Mommy I don't like your hair cut. I like it long!" I was crushed! I then asked he if she would like me to cut her hair and she yelled "NO!" and grabbed her hair! I had to laugh!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The New Hair!

I had a hair cut today. I was able to get 11 inches to donate!

Here is my new hair style!

The Front.
The Back

Tucked behind my ears.

I LOVE it! I go in 6 weeks for a trim and to put red highlights in it. We will see if I actually follow through!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Making Progress

John received the blood-work results. The medication the Dr. put him on to help increase his Testosterone is working. His numbers doubled in a month and are now smack dab in the middle of the normal range! This is great news. The specialist is reviewing the results and will decide whether to keep him on the same dose or decrease. I hope she gets back to us by the end of the week.

We are still in a kind of a holding pattern with Jocelynn and staying dry at night. She will have a few really good nights and then a few nights were she isn't dry. We are staying very strict with making sure she has nothing to drink after dinner except a few sips at bed time. I'm sure this will be a long road.

She also has been very mouthy lately. Talking back and arguing. Not sure what has brought that on, but we are nipping it in the bud. Pretty soon she will have no toys to play with and only be allowed in her bedroom except for meals. Sounds harsh, but this is one of those things I do not take lightly!

On a good note, her manners are amazing. She really has grasped the concept of please and thank you, almost to the point of it being hard to say no when she looks at you and says "Mommy, may I please have 'insert whatever she wants'?" She doesn't always get what she wants, but man it is

She is at the point were she understands what brothers and sisters are. She has asked me on more than one occasion if she can have a brother or sister, or asked me if there is a baby in my belly. Damn you infertility! It kills me every time. How do you explain to a 4 year old why she doesn't have a brother or sister yet even though Mommy and Daddy have been trying? It is so hard. All I tell her is that when God finds the perfect little brother or sister for her He will sent them this way. I am waiting for the day when she will pray to God and ask him.

Other then tho occasional interesting thing Jocelynn comes out with it is pretty boring here! We are all waiting for Winter to be over so we can get out side. The Winter blues have definitely set in and I am trying my hardest to not let them affect me! I keep trying to focus on what we have coming up between John's surgery (which I am nervous and anxious about) to everyone's Birthdays and Jocelynn appointment with the orthopedic specialist for a recheck on her legs(in March). I will be keeping everyone posted as these events happen!

PS: Thursday I am going to cut my hair! I am tired of it and I am also hoping it will make me feel good. So good by long hair, hello short hair.


Here is what I want: In my color. I'm not dying my hair....yet

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