We are still in a kind of a holding pattern with Jocelynn and staying dry at night. She will have a few really good nights and then a few nights were she isn't dry. We are staying very strict with making sure she has nothing to drink after dinner except a few sips at bed time. I'm sure this will be a long road.
She also has been very mouthy lately. Talking back and arguing. Not sure what has brought that on, but we are nipping it in the bud. Pretty soon she will have no toys to play with and only be allowed in her bedroom except for meals. Sounds harsh, but this is one of those things I do not take lightly!
On a good note, her manners are amazing. She really has grasped the concept of please and thank you, almost to the point of it being hard to say no when she looks at you and says "Mommy, may I please have 'insert whatever she wants'?" She doesn't always get what she wants, but man it is hard....lol.
She is at the point were she understands what brothers and sisters are. She has asked me on more than one occasion if she can have a brother or sister, or asked me if there is a baby in my belly. Damn you infertility! It kills me every time. How do you explain to a 4 year old why she doesn't have a brother or sister yet even though Mommy and Daddy have been trying? It is so hard. All I tell her is that when God finds the perfect little brother or sister for her He will sent them this way. I am waiting for the day when she will pray to God and ask him.
Other then tho occasional interesting thing Jocelynn comes out with it is pretty boring here! We are all waiting for Winter to be over so we can get out side. The Winter blues have definitely set in and I am trying my hardest to not let them affect me! I keep trying to focus on what we have coming up between John's surgery (which I am nervous and anxious about) to everyone's Birthdays and Jocelynn appointment with the orthopedic specialist for a recheck on her legs(in March). I will be keeping everyone posted as these events happen!
PS: Thursday I am going to cut my hair! I am tired of it and I am also hoping it will make me feel good. So good by long hair, hello short hair.
Here is what I want: In my color. I'm not dying my hair....yet

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