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Friday, August 27, 2010

One foot in front of the other.....

I am trying. Getting back into the routine is tough. I am hoping to get better, especially since we start back on med (Clomid) next cycle (sometime in the beginning to middle of September)and I want to make sure I put all the information here! Mainly so I have a record (so I don't forget I could) and also for the few of you who actually care what is going on with me!

I will put my cycle ticker back up in "Our TTC Journey" section.

While we are on that subject, John and I received some fairly good news (it could have been better)but I am not complaining. We found out that John's surgery worked!!! His count has increased to almost normal (we are just off by about 4 million, but I'm not Since we have been seeing John's specialist (just over a year) between the meds and surgery his count has more than doubles!!! Now as long as I can get my body to do what it needs to we should be on the way to baby!!!!

Also we received news tonight that John is qualified and being considered for a job at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. This is wonderful news and we will continue to pray that if this is God's will that He help make it happen!

Thursday we had oopen house at Jocelynn's new school. She was so excited and seemed to really feel at home. Her first day is 9/6 and I will be taking a ton of pictures. Here she is all dressed up for open house...

 I can't believe my baby is going to school. You know where you will find me on her first day. Looking through all her baby pictures and crying..... Then I will dry the tears and put on a smile when I pick her up!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bad Blogger.....

WOW! Where has the time gone? I can't believe I haven't updated in 3 months......funny thing is life hasn't seemed that busy, I guess it was!

I will try harder to make sure I update more often! Hopefully with my new work schedule (see below) it will be easier!, where did the first half of 2010 go?

John and I celebrated our 8th Wedding Anniversary! Again, were has the time gone? I love you honey, more than you will ever know!!

The end of June marked a very sad time for us, we had family move away, and although it is good for them and I am happy for them, we are sad to see them go! Jekka, Robin and Tony we love you! Can't wait to visit!

JULY....Damn it's hot!

We had allot of fun hanging out in the pool. Jocelynn is doing a great job with her swimming!

We were able to make a trip to Delaware the end of July! We had a blast helping my mother and father-in-law with their new house and we had a BLAST spending time with our best friends, niece and nephew! I can't believe how fast they are growing and I loved every minute with them!

AUGUST.... Happy Birthday John!!!! He turns 33 today! He (along with our daughter) is my world and I'm not sure where I would be without him!  <3

As you can see summer has been about spending time together and just enjoying family and friends!

John has finally gone back to work! He is really enjoying it again, he misses the time with jocelynn, but is happy to be doing "his job and taking care of his family" as he puts it. As a result I have been able to cut back my hours at work. I know work Monday, Thursday and Friday 8-4. I am enjoying the extra time at home with Jocelynn!

Other good news - Jocelynn will be starting PreK the week of September 6! She is excited, I, on the other hand, am having a hard time. Silly me, I have already had a mini meltdown when I was filling out the registration form. The first day will be hard, but I know it is what is best for her. She will be attending Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 8:30 - 2:30! I am excited about the "me" time on Wednesdays, which as you know will consist of laundry, dishes and grocery

John spoiled me once again a few weeks ago. He surprised me at work with a new Pandora charm.

It is called the "Tree of Life". It is supposed to represent family and life. I thought it was very sweet of him!

Just a couple weeks ago John purchased The Nook for me from Barnes and Noble! I LOVE IT!!!!! We purchased the Wifi capable one only, I didn't think the 3G for an extra $50 was necessary!

On the TTC front - No new or happy news to report. Still failing the test every month........
We find out on the 25th if John's surgery helped at all. I have this nightmare that the Dr. will tell us it didn't help and that in fact it made matters worse. Silly me ,again, I know!

I have been reevaluation how I am going about things and looking at things, God has a plan for me and I am trying my hardest to remember that and put all faith on him. I'm not perfect, I have my bad days, but I know He is always there with me to help me through!

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." ~  Philippians 4:13

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