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Friday, April 29, 2011

Other Pair

As is a picture of the other pair of glasses I purchased!

I have two more pairs I want to purchase.....1 will be prescription sunglasses (I am DONE with those stupid clip ons) and the other will be a regular pair.....I will post pictures when I purchase them!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

2 weeks....

WOW....2 weeks flies by. It has been CRAZY!!!

I finally had my eye Dr. Appointment on 4/8....It was nice walk out paying nothing! My insurance paid for the entire exam. I was able to purchase 2 complete pair of glasses (online) for under $20 (this included shipping) check out Zenni Optical for the deals!

The glasses finally arrived on 4/25.... here is pair ONE!

Mulan had her annual vet check-up.....she is a healthy 8.5 lbs and is in great health! The vet was very pleased!

Spanky went to the vet...he had to have surgery. He had 2 lumps on his legs and 2 teeth removed. He was very pitiful that night, but is feeling much better now. Here he is the night sfter surgery with his boo boo foot....

Jocelynn had her first field trip with the Daisy troop on the 19th. We went to the Dover Children's Museum. She had a blast and it was really fun to see her playing with her peers.
Here she is in the "queen" throne and as Godzilla....LMAO!

Easter was awesome! It was great to spend the morning at church and the afternoon with family! Jocelynn and Brooke were super cute looking for eggs and Gage was wonderful! Jocelynn was spoiled, per the usual but thankfully there was not a lot of candy to temp John and I off of our diets! Here is Jocelynn in her beautiful Easter Dress and the eggs we colored the day before.

On the TTC was a BFN this month. So on to cycle 56......John and I are still working on loosing this weight which I know will help us reach our goal of adding another child to our family. So far this month John and I have lost a total of 28.20 pounds....not too bad. I am very proud of us!

This is National Infertility Awareness Week! 1 in 8 couples are diagnosed with infertility.There is a great article here about talking about infertility which still seems taboo to most people. Another great website is RESOLVE . Any thing you need to know is all right there. Education is the key and one day infertility may not be so taboo (remember when talking about breast cancer was taboo.....we will get there!) Another great article (here) about changing the perception on infertility!

I am blessed to have a beautiful daughter (when so many of my sisters are waiting on their first blessing), it took us 3.5 years to conceive her with the help of a RE  and medication......we have been trying for #2 now for over 4 years.......just because I have a beautiful blessing doesn't mean I don't feel the pain of infertility. The anguish and sorrow of being broken. Not feeling like a real woman because I can't do the one thing God put me on this earth to do.

My wonderful husband and daughter and my faith in God has helped me deal and realize the blessing I do have and that my journey in motherhood is not over and we WILL be blessed again! All in God's time!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!!!

Meet my new nephew....Gage Robert, Born 4/12/11 @ 11:03 am. 7lbs 10oz, 19 1/4 inches!!

I went to visit him, Cory, Kristina and Brooke today. He is so precious and I am a very proud auntie! 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hanging in there...

This week has been interesting.

I was offered more hours at I can work 28 hours a week (up from 22) and I am hoping that will increase more as the year progresses and CVHS moves in a wonderful direction!!

John and I joined the Gym on Monday. We are planning on going 3x a week and working out for an 1 hour each I said this is to start, we will increase that as our weight goes down. John is meeting with the personal trainer at the gym to go over his goals and set up a workout routine that will work for him!

I have my eye Dr. appointment on Friday....I can't wait. I hate not having my glasses, especially at night. I refuse to drive right now at night. The 2 times I have (thankfully Jocelynn was not in the car) I saw double the entire way home.....not doing that anymore! It isn't safe.

Mulan has her annual Vet check-up on Tuesday (4/12) I am curious to see what she weighs! This has been an issue in the past (she has always been underweight) I am hoping that this is no longer an issue!

For anyone who in interested, I have found a wonderful online family calender ( also have an app for the android and iPhones. I have just started using this to keep track of appointment and such and I LOVE IT! I have even been able to implement the calender at work and it is wonderful!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Going to get this party started...

Since I am in the 2ww.....I have decided to keep myself busy!

John, Mom and I are all starting a "diet". I hate calling it that, but a Life Style Change is too strange as well. John and I are going to join Planet Fitness and make time 3 days a week to work out, which for me will consist in the beginning of the treadmill and elliptical machine. Check out my weight loss blog, which I deleted and decided I needed it here (Weight-loss Blog)

Also, I am trying to get organized and get this house cleaned. I was introduced to a website (, Thanks to my CO sisters) and am on Day 3 so far! I am determined to make this work. I can't make a plan up myself, but I can follow a plan laid out in front of me in baby steps! I have also started a blog on my progress and back slides during this little journey. (Getting Organized Blog).

Last week was a great week....other than the snowstorm we had on Friday. I was hoping it was a great big April Fool's prank my the weather men....but at last it wasn't. I had 4-6 inches in my yard. Most of it has melted....Luckily I had the day off because I worked late on previous nights.

Thursday was Chuck E. Cheese's night. Jocelynn peed to bed a total of 3 times in the month of March!!! I am so proud of her. John and I took Jocelynn and Brooke along with my friends Alaina and Kayla for dinner and games! They had a blast! Here they are trying out Guitar Hero...
The guitar was too heavy for Brooke  :)

It was a great Family night and even John and I had a blast!

Work is changing! Some good, some not so good! All changes are to help the animals and that is our #1 priority! With the changes comes me sharing an office....luckily it is with one of my closest friends Alaina! Everyone keeps saying that nothing will get done now because we will be chatting and laughing, but her and I know better and will prove them all wrong. I figure, my boss must think we will still accomplish our task or she wouldn't put us together! She know we are close friends.....  :P

This coming week should prove interesting, diet and exercise routines along with getting organized and cleaning routines.....through in an evening meeting for my work and an eye Dr., dentist and hair appointment. Proves to be a very busy week!

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